10x Your Business with Google Traffic
& Bespoke Brand Management
we drive more customers to your business than any other online resource

We’re here to get you the results you are looking for!
Serving: Walsall • Birmingham • London • Bristol • Leeds • Manchester • Cardiff • and the rest of the civilised world
Does Your Website and Business Need More Customers?
our proven strategies will help you dominate your competition by taking over Google.
What We Do Best – Our Services
Every service is designed bespoke to you, your business and your brand
Branded Web Design
Custom Coded For Results

Branded SEO
Search engine optimisation services

Branded VIDEO
Video production, animation and marketing

Social Media Management
Branding your business socially

Brand Reputation Management
Enhancing the positive exposure of your brand

Pay Per Click Management
Researched, analysed and tested campaigns

If you are looking for ‘results getting’ Brand Management, Internet marketing or expert Wolverhamoton & Walsall SEO services, you have come to the right place
We don’t want to see any business owners in the UK, Walsall and surrounding areas experience the pain that poor quality SEO firms can leave you in after giving them your hard-earned cash without delivering any favourable results.
At Skyrocket Your Search, we take pride in being SEO consultant specialists that deliver profitable results for clients in the Midlands, the UK, USA and worldwide
We specialise in SEO and we are experts at it! Our philosophy is that Search Engine Optimisation, internet marketing and bespoke brand management are the key 3 ingredients of any business’s marketing plan if you want that business and brand to grow profitably.
Internet marketing and brand management needs to be watched carefully, tracked, and proven in order to substantiate its effectiveness. At Skyrocket Your Search, we make sure we do this for each and every one of our clients with transparent daily and monthly updates.
Here are several important factors that you need to know so that you are informed enough to know when you are getting a proper quote on search engine optimisation services and that it comes from a business that will get you the results you want and need.
Who is your business targeting and what are they precisely searching online for?

Are you taking your clients for granted? Don’t forget, they are real people searching for honest and real answers to their questions.
Many business owners have no idea or at least very little idea of how to precisely target their ideal customers in a way that will enable them to find their services, products, and business online. When you understand exactly what your potential customers are searching for you have found a key foundational part to the equation. With internet marketing, we need to know precisely how your customers are looking for you online. What they are exactly typing in to Google or any other search engines when they are looking for a solution to a problem that you can provide.
When it comes to these search terms there is a huge distinction between targeting broad and specific. This distinction becomes more apparent when you consider that when searching online your potential customers are simply searching for the top company or business that can supply them the service that they require. The specific terms that they use are distinguishing factors between identifying them as ready to make a purchase and others that are just doing research.
Thankfully, Google actually lets you have this information for no cost at all.
Anyone can go to the Google Keyword Planner and see precisely what people are typing into the Google search engine each and every month. Once you understand how to use this tool, you can discover search terms (keywords) that might not be as popular each month but are more specific to people ready to buy.
By targeting these potential clients that already have money and are prepared to make a purchase, is a key skill in understanding the data that this keyword tool can unveil.
Imagine, if you could have your site appear on the first Google’s search engine results page for these “money keywords” – how much additional profit and return on investment could you have from your internet marketing campaigns?

The following is a typical example
For the sake of an example, let’s imagine that you are a solicitor in Walsall. Naturally you might want to rank for the search term “Walsall solicitor”. I guess that’s a logical assumption, don’t you? If you are on the first Google page for that term, you would inevitably think that it will bring you new business. But consider this: since that search phrase is so broad, individuals searching would more likely be searching for something more specific that relates directly to the issue they need help with. Things such as needing a divorce solicitor, a personal injury solicitor, or some other kinds of solicitor.
So for instance, if you practice criminal law and you wanted to rank for “Walsall Solicitor”, you would need to spend a lot of money and put months of work in to rank for such a competitive term. Then, only 20% (roughly) of the prospective clients coming to your site would find what they were looking for.
So in contrast, let’s focus your keyword down to “criminal defense solicitor in Walsall” instead. In this example, this would be a preferred keyword for your specific services and would more likely deliver you even more customers. However, the competition is still quite high and there is still some level of broadness to this term.
Now lets get into the head of your clients for a moment… Why would they require a criminal defense solicitor? Perhaps they are dealing with a domestic violence charge. They might search “domestic violence defense solicitor” in to Google’s search engine. (This search phrase gets around 10 searches per month according to Google’s keyword planner tool). If your website has a web page optimised for that specific search phrase, you would rank highly and your searchers would more than likely discover you and presumably hire you if the information on your website was written in the right way.
This example is what we like to refer to as the “low hanging fruit” in search engine marketing for local companies.
These types of terms are somewhat simple to rank for, but are so explicit that the individuals who search online for these terms discover you and choose your company due to the confidence they feel in discovering you on the web.
If a typical client for your business is worth a thousand pounds or more, the return on investment you enjoy, from landing these clients online, using this particular method just makes great sense and is quite exciting at the same time!
Marketing your business on the internet in the right way with the aid of a Walsall SEO consultant will help your business grow quickly.
These “low hanging fruit” keywords naturally attract more clients that are willing to pay for the services you provide.
However, these types of services may not work for your company all the time.
We at Skyrocket Your Search – SEO Walsall can do a quick evaluation to see if Search Engine Optimisation is a good investment for you to spend your money on.
We do an extensive evaluation of your company, including the keywords you want to be found for, along with those of your competitors.
We then talk to you about an online marketing approach that would work for you, your company and you business.
Want to get started?

Your rankings in Google are affected by these essential elements
When it comes to doing SEO correctly, regardless if you are designing a brand-new website or trying to improve the rankings of the website you currently have, there are a number of important elements that you need to comprehend. Google uses two primary elements of search engine optimisation that determines how they analyse your site.

On-site/On-page Optimisation
This consists of each of the information and content on your website and how it is structured.
- URL structure – Does your domain name contain your keyword? Is your keyword in your page names and titles?
- The arrangement of your links on-site – Are the pages on your website linked in a correct up and/or down silo format?
- Keywords within the content on your page – Do you at least have your keyword within the content on your page a minimum of once? Are you putting your keywords in far too many times (over-optimisation)?
- Quantity of content – Do you have enough content on your page(s)? A few sentences of content on your page won’t help you to rank. 500 words is about the bare minimum. If you really want to see great results, 1000 words should be your starting point.
- Design of your site – Does the design of your website make it simple for people to move around and keep them interested so they spend more time on your site? Google is making this more essential for better rankings.

Off-site/Off-page Optimisation
This primarily is regarding other websites that directly link to your website…
- What websites link to your website – What is number of sites that link to your website, and how popular and relevant they are? Quantity is not the most important factor any more. You can rank a website with less links that are of a higher quality.
- Anchor text – What words are used within the links pointing at your website? You want anchor text that is pertinent to your website along with excellent diversity of the keyword(s) and phrases you wish to rank for.
- Relevance of the site linking to yours – There needs to be relevant content on the website that links to your website. Google will not give us much power behind a link that comes from a website – like a directory that simply has a number of links – that does not contain information pertinent to your website. In fact, they may even penalise you for it. A lot of older Walsall search engine optimisation companies have harmed their client’s website while using this linking method. Google has stopped them from ranking ever again. These firms have built a large number of links that are of low quality and/or have anchor text percentages that are beyond what is considered normal.

But doesn’t a great looking website help rankings?
The short answer is “no”
So far, we have not mentioned anything about web design except for making sure your site is easy to navigate.
We can, however, help with designing your website – we are one of the best Walsall web design companies from start to finish. There is no question that having a website that looks great is a good thing, and we can help with designing a great looking site.
But, just having a great website does not result in great rankings, there’s more to it than that. You should be utilising your site in order to attract new customers, targeting your efforts in getting your website to rank with better search results using the right keywords. And then, focus on how the information within your business or organization’s website converts visitors into clients. You need to get visitors to your site first, then concern yourself with how it converts clients.
Below are some additional points to think about if you are searching for a Walsall SEO consultant to help market your company or organisation on the Internet:

The age of your domain name
Websites that have been around for a while, especially for more than 5 years are given more trust from Google. Google loves these kinds of sites far more than a site that was purchased last week. These new sites will naturally take longer to gain trust from Google.

Google Domination
Is your goal just to rank your website? Or, if you had the opportunity would you really want to dominate the first page of Google search results with all of your videos and social media pages for your specific keyword phrase as well?

Duplicate content
Otherwise known as plagiarism – copying someone else’s content. Google does not like duplicate content, so you need to make sure that the content on your website isn’t exactly the same as that on another. Tools like Copyscape are great for checking this out – protecting you from copied content.

Penalised Website
A penalised website is one that will not rank due to bad search engine optimisation services previously used. This may be something you are suffering from. Some may say that your site would cost far too much to fix and take far too long to rank ever again. But that isn’t the case! We’ve been able to help clients get their website out of the penalty blackhole, and got them ranking again in a fraction of the time. Give us a call at 01922 302 145 to ask us about how we can help you get your website out of the penalty blackhole.

Pay-per-click Advertising on Google and Facebook
Online PPC advertising can work for your business, company or organisation if your conversion rates make the amount of money you are spending on attracting visitors to your website worthwhile. We’ve helped many companies by managing their pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook with business transforming results. We can even help with the design of your ads and tweak your pages for improved conversion rates.

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Social Media pages and profiles are elements that make a business recognised as established and here for the long haul. Having optimised profiles and using your social media accounts properly can generate new business but also boost your search engine rankings. If you already have social media pages and profiles setup on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube it’s a good start. It’s always useful to get them optimised for maximum results and monitored to enhance and safe guard your reputation.

Are you tracking visitors to your website including where they are coming from and if they convert into clients?
Tracking all your visitors and leads from your internet marketing campaigns is an important process to make sure you have in place. This way you can come to know which methods and strategies are generating results. To keep track of all the relevant analytics on your site can be done using a few straightforward processes and methods but one of the key metrics is knowing and tracking exactly which page your leads are originally coming from.
If you are investing in generating traffic to your website but don’t have a proven and established system in place for tracking precisely which pages on your website are converting your clients into phone calls then you will unknowingly be holding your business back from increased profits and sales. Why not call the SEO Walsall experts at Skyrocket Your Search immediately at 01922 302 145 or email us at questions@skyrocketyoursearch.com? We can give you free advice and even help you get all of this setup and more!